Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Demir
1967 - 2024

Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Demir 1987-1991 yılları arasında Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü’nde lisans eğitimi tamamladı. Lisans eğitimi sırasında 1988-1991 yılları arasında Fizik Yandal derecesini de tamamladı. Daha sonra yine Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümü’nde 1991-1993 yılları arasında yüksek lisans eğitimini, 1993-1995 yılları arasında doktora eğitimini tamamladı.
1996-1997, 1998-2000 ve 2000-2003 yılları arasında üç ayrı kurumda (sırasıyla University of Pennsylvania, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics ve William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute - University of Minnesota) doktora sonrası araştırmacı olarak görev aldı. Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Demir, bunun ardından 2003-2019 yılları arasında İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü’nde öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptı; 2019 yılından bu yana ise Sabancı Üniversitesi’nde öğretim üyesi olarak görev almaktaydı.
Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Demir, Alexander von Humboldt Vakfı Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Araştırma Ödülünü alarak 2007-2008 yılları arasında DESY, Hamburg araştırma merkezinde çalışmıştır. Aldığı diğer önemli ödüller arasında TÜBİTAK Teşvik Ödülü (2005), TÜBA GEBIP Ödülü (2004), Mustafa. N. Parlar Vakfı Araştırma Teşvik Ödülü (1997) ve Sedat Simavi Fen Ödülü (2001) bulunmaktadır.
LHEP Dergisi editörlerindendi. 2020 yılında “Dünyanın En Etkili Bilim İnsanları” arasında yer almıştı. Aynı zamanda, Dünya Bilimler Akademisi (TWAS) ve Bilim Akademisi üyesiydi.
Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Demir dünyanın önde gelen teorik fizikçileri arasındadır. Araştırma alanları parçacık fiziği, astroparçacık fiziği ve kuantum fiziği idi. Araştırma konuları, kuantum alanlarının düşük enerjilerdeki (kuantum tünelleme) ve yüksek enerjilerdeki (beşinci kuvvet ve oluşkan kütle çekimi) etkilerine odaklanmaktaydı.

Ali Övgün
My journey with Professor Demir began in my undergraduate years at IYTE, where his engaging lectures for Physics 1 and 2 sparked my initial interest in the subject (Photo caption: From my first year undergraduate Physics 2 class at IYTE. I'm the one in green, standing next to Professor Demir.). He nurtured that curiosity further, teaching me General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics III, Quantum Field Theory (QFT) ..
Our undergraduate project on Quantum Tunneling Time stands testament to his dedication to fostering research even at an early stage. His unwavering support and encouragement extended beyond academics, as he actively helped me participate in workshops and conferences, experiences that shaped my academic path.
Professor Demir's strong reference letter played a pivotal role in securing scholarships for my studies in the UK. He wasn't just a brilliant physicist – he was a phenomenal teacher. His ability to explain complex concepts with clarity, akin to the legendary Richard Feynman, made his classes engaging and thought-provoking, like an interactive physics talkshow.
Driven by an insatiable intellectual curiosity, Professor Demir wasn't just a physicist; he was a visionary who reveled in tackling fundamental problems in quantum physics. He relentlessly pursued solutions to groundbreaking questions in particle physics and cosmology.
He remained accessible, always available via email or phone whenever his students needed guidance or support. His passing leaves a void, not just in the field of physics but also in the lives of his students who cherished his friendship.
Professor Demir may be gone, but his legacy lives on – in the research we continue, in the lessons learned, and in the inspiration he instilled. We are incredibly proud to have been his students and collaborators.
Professor Demir, we will miss your brilliance, your mentorship, and your friendship. Rest in peace.
Ali Övgün
Shahin Mamedov
Beyhan Puliçe
We met every day in your room at Sabancı University and worked for hours. You were both a mentor and a candid friend. We have done many works together and prepared to do many more.
It will be an honor for me to continue your legacy in this bright path you have opened in the world of physics.
The sincerity of your passion for your work and life has always inspired me. You are always with me, and you always will be, my dearest Hocam.
I will miss you forever and ever.
Beyhan Puliçe
Nilay Bostan
Best regards,
Nilay Bostan
Muzaffer Adak
Işıklar içinde uyusun.
Özer Özdal
We will keep his teachings and legacy alive in our memories. His contributions to the scientific community and students will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
Özer Özdal
Hemza Azri (a former student of Prof. Demir)
Several years after my graduation, I wrote to him about the challenges of being a postdoc and the difficulties I face in pursuing an academic career, he kindly wrote to me "I am sorry to hear that you felt bad about the whole process and struggled to publish papers (at the expense of not many citations). It happened to me and will happen. It will happen to you. Please do not lose hope about the future; I am sure you will be a great physicist. You already are. Let us just continue to work on our problems and projects. Don't hesitate a moment, take care, and be happy."
I believe that such kind words can only come from an honest person who has devoted his life to training and supporting students and young researchers, not only in Turkey but also in many other Eastern countries where he strongly believes. I must say that words alone cannot fully convey the integrity and expertise of Professor Durmus Ali Demir, both as an honest individual and as a competent scientist.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of Durmuş ''hocam'' the person and the physicist. I also feel deeply saddened by the fact that I will miss out on the countless significant contributions to science that he had in mind, as his passing came too soon, preventing him from revealing them all.
Reggie Pantig
Requiescat in pace, dear colleague.