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2022-2023 Spring Semester –Graduate Students Beginning of Semester Process

2022-2023 Spring Semester Registration Renewal Process
Spring Semester Payments1-3 Feb 20236-7 Feb 20236-7 Feb 20231-3 Feb 20236-7 Feb 202331 Jan- 1 Feb 202324-25 Jan 2023
Course Registrations15-17 Feb 20238-9 Feb 20238-9 Feb 202315-17 Feb 20238-9 Feb 20232-3 Feb 202326-27 Jan 2023
First Day of Classes2 Feb 202310 Feb 202313 Feb 202320 Feb 202313 Feb 20237 Feb 202328 Jan 2023
Add-Drop Period28 Feb-1 March 202323-24 Feb 202323-24 Feb 202328 Feb-1 March 202323-24 Feb 202316-17 Feb 20238-9 Feb 2023

Tuition fees for 2022-2023 Academic Year Spring semester is indicated in the table. The rate 18,7896 TL is used for calculations, for payments in US Dollars. (USD/ TRY rate is determined in the beginning of semester.) VAT is included in all the fees. You can make your course registrations in the beginning of each semester, right after making tuition fee payment for the related semester.


Tuition Fee for Semester (VAT included)
Students with T.C. Citizenship               International Students

Executive MBA- Non Thesis (EMBA)159.000 TL + 8.900 USD
Professional Masters in Business Administration-Non Thesis (PMBA)124.000 TL
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)199.800 TL    19.500 USD
Masters in Finance- Non Thesis (MIF)124.000 TL
Business Analytics for Professional (PBAN)124.000 TL
Information Technology - Non Thesis (IT)109.000 TL
Energy Technologies and Management - Non Thesis (ETM-NT)109.000 TL
Data Analytics- Non Thesis (DA-NT)129.000 TL
Cyber Security - Non Thesis (CYSEC-NT)109.000 TL
Entrance Year 2022199.800 TL    19.500 USD
Entrance Year 2020 and 2021189.000 TL    19.500 USD
Entrance Year 2014-2019179.170 TL    19.500 USD
Entrance Year 201344.795 TL    11.068 USD
Entrance Year 201240.730 TL    8.433 USD
Entrance Year 201140.730 TL
Entrance Year 201037.990 TL
Entrance Year 2009 and before    35.345 TL

Payments are made in Turkish Liras through Akbank. It is not possible to make the payment directly to the University in cash.


Tuition fees for each semester can be paid in cash; or in 3 equal installments throughout the semester. 

1. Cash Payments (Making semester tuition payment fee at once) 

Cash payments are made via Subscribe Collection System (ATS). For the tuition fee payments in cash, you may visit any Akbank branch and deposit the money to the institution code 7000754, Sabancı University account, by choosing “All” as debt type and indicating your student ID number. There is no discount for cash payments. 

It is not possible to do EFT for cash payments. However, you may request with an order from Akbank, to transfer the money that you deposit to your account to ATS-7000754 by indicating the debt type as “Peşin Öğrenim Ücreti”; or if you have a deposit account in Akbank and Personal Internet Branch, you can make cash payments with institution code 7000754 online, through Akbank Online Banking without going to the branch. 

For this please follow below process: Log in to Akbank Personal Internet Branch Choose Payments => Institution Payments => Education Payments => Private Universities=>Sabancı University Please enter your Student ID number and click next. You will be able to see the amount that you need to pay and able to make the payment. Since tuition fee collection system in Personal Internet Branch is integrated with the Akbank branch system, payments can be done on business days between 09:00 - 17:30. Akbank Sabancı University Branch is open between 08:30-12:00 and 12:30 and 16:45. 

The overdue interest on cash payments operates on a daily basis, including holidays, based on the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT) interest rates, in TL terms. 

2. Payment with Installment 

It is possible to make tuition fee payments with installment through the cooperation between University and Akbank. Installment option can only be benefited for tuition fee payments. 

It is necessary to check your current account, Additional Money Credit limit and your current balance (for your debt from the previous semester, if there is, and the accrued interest) from the Akbank branch from where you follow up payment processes. Those, who do not turn their account in debit, due to their debts from the previous semester, to an account in credit before the payment deadline for the new semester, are not able to benefit from installment option in the new academic year and cash payment will be compulsory.

If you will benefit from installment opportunity for the first time, it is necessary to make “payment with installment contract with Akbank” before the payment deadline indicated in the table, by contacting Personal Customer Relations Specialists in an Akbank branch. To benefit from installment option, you must fill the contract that the bank will request from you and the application should be approved by the bank. You can do this process in any akbank branch; but, for an easier and smooth operation, we kindly recommend you to complete these procedures from Akbank branch in Sabancı University.

You must make the first installment payment for the exact amount assigned to the student’ name in the system for the related semester, latest by the payment deadline through 601 product coded "Personal Credit Account". 

If the exact amount of the first installment is not paid to 601 product coded "Personal Credit Account" before the deadline, Akbank will process the payment by using the Additional Money Credit which is tied to your account. 

Payments made to 601 product coded "Personal Credit Account" will be transfered by Akbank to University accounts automatically by the deadline indicated on the table. 

Payment with installment option is not available for the students registered to the programs Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Proffessional MBA(PMBA), Master In Finance (MiF), Information Technology (IT), Energy Technologies and Management (ETM-NT), Nanotechnology ((NANOT-NT), Data Analytics (DT-NT), Cyber Security (CYSEC-NT), and Brand Practice (BP) and for those whose tuition fee payments are made by their companies.

Payment with installment option 


Dormitory fee payments are made via Subscribe Collection System (ATS). You may go to any Akbank branch to make the payment to Sabancı University account with the institution code 7000754 by choosing “DORMITORY PAYMENT” as debt type. Dormitory payment can be made in cash for each semester.

Dormitory fee payments should not be made to 601 product coded "Personal Credit Account" which is only for tuition fee payments with installment.

Course registrations can be done via Information System on the dates indicated in Academic Calendar.

You may reach information on course registrations from the links below.


"For up-to-date information about the leave process; you can review the "Graduate Education and Training Regulations" to /en/regulations."

Application for Semester Leave 

You should apply to the Directorate of the Graduate School that you are enrolled at along with the documentation of your application reason and Leave Application Form until the last working day of the fourth week as of the starting date of Final exams at latest. Applications for semester leave after these dates are not evaluated. 

Evaluation and Conclusion of the Semester Leave Application 

The request for semester leave is reviewed and concluded following the approval by the Graduate School Board. The date of the relevant Board 's approval is taken as the beginning of the leave period.

Important Notes to be Considered During Semester Leave 

If the application for semester leave made by the student is accepted and all fees are paid by the student, the registered courses are deleted from the student's semester records. 

Maximum Period of Semester Leave 

Graduate students can go on semester leave at most one academic year at once , for 4 semesters in total. 

Procedures to be Followed Coming Back From Semester Leave 

Following their period of semester leave, the students need to renew their registration after making the required payments according to their scholarships.


Request of Cancellation of Enrollment 

By applying with an application form for leave from the university by own will , in person, students can cancel their enrollment .

  • Students who apply for cancelling the enrollment, should not have any unpaid balance to the University (Information about the payment ,for the students who cancel the enrollment, are explained in Instruction letter for Graduate Programs Clause 43) 
  • Contacting his / her academic/thesis advisor and departments stated below, students get the approval that he/she has not any requirements. . During this process, please take into consideration the following steps for cancellation of enrollment from each unit;

Information Technology: Make sure that you delivered your lap-top and other accessories. 

Faculty/Institute: Remember to deliver any keys of laboratories, offices etc. 

Services: Dormitory room keys (if you were staying in the dormitories), should be delivered. 

Information Center: Books, CD's and DVD's that are borrowed should be returned. 

Accounting: Make sure that you do not have any financial requirements to the University.

Any student who fails to register for the semester, can renew his/her registration process as of starting from the next following semester at earliest provided that his/her reason is accepted by the Faculty Administrative Board. These students must pay tuition fee for the related semester with other fees required to benefit from university's utilities and any other additional obligations determinded by the university. The semester for which such a student is not registered is included in the calculation of maximum period of education.

It is recommended to check; and pages for further information of other Graduate processes.