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Foundations Development Directorate LAship Announcement: NS101 & NS102

Dear Students,

We are looking for undergraduate students who can work as "Learning Assistants'' in NS101 or NS102 during the Spring 2025 semester. The Learning Assistants will be paid ~12,600 TL per semester to work 10 hours per week in various aspects of the course together with faculty members and teaching assistants. Their main role is to facilitate discussions during the recitations in the active learning environment. Please see below the call for application for more information about the LA position and requirements.

Please first read the Call for Application.

How to apply?

Application Due: January 23 (Thursday)

Early application is encouraged as evaluations will start immediately.

Please do the following if you would like to apply for the LA position:

1) Prepare a short video (2-3 min at most) in which briefly introduce yourself and explain why you want to be an LA for the NS courses. 

  • Please follow the instructions for sharing and inserting the video link into the application form provided below:

2) Fill out the application form in this link: 

We will review the  applications and invite a selected group of applicants for Zoom interviews starting immediately.

Important: If you are a returning LA of NS101 or NS102, please only email to You do not need to submit an application form.

Best Regards, 

NS101 & NS102 Team