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Scientific Publications (since 2020)

B. Ali, S. N. Özkan, U. Kerimzade, M. Nasr Esfahani, S. Akinci, Y. Leblebici, E. Öztürk, and B. E. Alaca, “Stencil-Based Selective Surface Functionalization of Silicon Nanowires in 3D Device Architectures for Next-Generation Biochemical Sensors”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7, 10634-10647, (2024).

S. Zare Pakzad, M. Nasr Esfahani, Z. Tasdemir, N. Wollschläger, T. Li, X.F. Li, M. Yilmaz, Y. Leblebici, and B. Erdem Alaca: “Nanomechanical Modeling of the Bending Response of Silicon Nanowires”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6, 15465−15478, (2023).

B. Ali, M. Karimzadehkhouei, M. Nasr Esfahani, Y. Leblebici, B. E. Alaca: “Stencil lithography for bridging MEMS and NEMS”, Micro Nano Engineering, 19, 100206, (2023).

Arda Uran, Kerim Türe, Cosimo Aprile, Alix Trouillet, Florian Fallegger, Emilie C. M. Revol, Azita Emami, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Catherine Dehollain, Yusuf Leblebici, Volkan Cevher: A 16-Channel Neural Recording System-on-Chip With CHT Feature Extraction Processor in 65-nm CMOS. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 57(9): 2752-2763 (2022)

M. Nasr Esfahani, S. Zare Pakzad, T. Li, X.F. Li, Z. Tasdemir, N. Wollschlaeger, Y. Leblebici, and B. E. Alaca: “Effect of Native Oxide on Stress in Silicon Nanowires: Implications for Nanoelectromechanical Systems”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 13276−13285, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c02983 (2022).

S. Zare Pakzad, M. Nasr Esfahani, Z. Tasdemir, N. Wollschlaeger, X.F. Li, T. Li, M. Yilmaz, Y. Leblebici, and B. E. Alaca: “A New Characterization Approach to Study the Mechanical Behavior of Silicon Nanowires”, MRS Advances, 6, 500–505 (2021).

Firat Celik, Ayca Akkaya, Yusuf Leblebici: A 32 Gb/s PAM-16 TX and ADC-Based RX AFE with 2-tap embedded analog FFE in 28 nm FDSOI. Microelectron. J. 108: 104967 (2021)

Ayca Akkaya, Firat Celik, Yusuf Leblebici: An 8-Bit 800 MS/s Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC With Common-Mode Adaptive Background Offset Calibration in 28 nm FDSOI. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap. 68(7): 2766-2774 (2021)

Firat Celik, Ayca Akkaya, Armin Tajalli, Yusuf Leblebici: A 32-Gb/s PAM-4 SST Transmitter With Four-Tap FFE Using High-Impedance Driver in 28-nm FDSOI. IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst. 29(6): 1132-1140 (2021)

Arda Uran, Kerim Türe, Cosimo Aprile, Alix Trouillet, Florian Fallegger, Azita Emami, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Catherine Dehollain, Yusuf Leblebici, Volkan Cevher:
A 16-Channel Wireless Neural Recording System-on-Chip with CHT Feature Extraction Processor in 65nm CMOS. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference CICC 2021

Y. Kilinc, M. C. Karakan, Y. Leblebici, M. S. Hanay, and B. E. Alaca: “Observation of Coupled Mechanical Resonance Modes within Suspended 3D Nanowire Arrays”, Nanoscale, 12, 22042 – 22048 (2020).

Bilal Demir, Selman Ergünay, Gokcen Nurlu, Vladan Popovic, Beat Ott, Peter Wellig, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Yusuf Leblebici: Real-time high-resolution omnidirectional imaging platform for drone detection and tracking. J. Real Time Image Process. 17(5): 1625-1635 (2020)

Gain Kim, Marcel A. Kossel, Alessandro Cevrero, Ilter Özkaya, Andreas Burg, Thomas Toifl, Yusuf Leblebici, Lukas Kull, Danny Luu, Matthias Braendli, Christian Menolfi, Pier Andrea Francese, Hazar Yueksel, Cosimo Aprile, Thomas Morf: A 161-mW 56-Gb/s ADC-Based Discrete Multitone Wireline Receiver Data-Path in 14-nm FinFET. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 55(1): 38-48 (2020)

Duygu Kostak, Yusuf Leblebici: Discrete Time Analysis of Phase Detector Timing Nonidealities in Type-I Sub-Sampling PLL. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS 2020

Ayca Akkaya, Firat Celik, Yusuf Leblebici: A Low-Power 9-Bit 222 MS/s Asynchronous SAR ADC in 65 nm CMOS. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2020

Duygu Kostak, Yusuf Leblebici: Discrete Time Analysis of Phase Detector Linear Range Extension in Sub-Sampling PLL. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2020

S. Dolabella, R. Frison, G. A. Chahine, C. Richter, T. Schulli, Z. Tasdemir, B. E. Alaca, Y. Leblebici, A. Dommann, and A. Neels:“Real and Q space travelling: multi-dimensional distribution maps of crystal-lattice strain and tilt of suspended monolithic silicon nanowire structures”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53 (2020).