Research & Performance
+1.38 Billion TL
Active Project Budget
Active Patent Family Member
The parameters that constitute the inputs and outputs of Sabancı University are monitored and evaluated with a holistic approach by the Research Planning and Policy Development Office (RPD). Results are presented in University Research Council and Research Committee meetings, other strategic and executive management meetings during the year, and the Research and Graduate Policy information meetings that are held twice a year and open to the entire university.
Another interface for research performance reporting is university ranking systems. The benefit created through research activities and the contribution of the university to its community are measured by these systems. More information on ranking systems and Sabancı University's position on these rankings is available here.
The parameters indicating the research performance of Sabancı University are presented below.
As of June 2024, Sabancı University has an active external research fund of 1.38 billion TL distributed to 273 projects. The details of funding sources are given below.

Sabancı University faculty and researchers have published more than 8950 scientific publications in all types since 2000 (Scopus: 2024-08-14), and the number of publications per faculty member was approximately 2.9 in 2023.
As of July 2024, Sabancı University is in possession of 364 active patent family members.
As of June 2024, Inovent has 15 companies started by Sabancı University faculty and students in its portfolio, for which Inovent provides establishment and acceleration support. The distribution of these companies by sector is presented in the figure given below.