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POLS 448 Conflicts in the Middle East
Conflicts in the Middle East is an overview of conflicts in the Middle East. In the latter half of the twentieth century, inter-state wars, civil wars, insurgencies and terrorism in this region have increased without a comprehensive resolution of a single conflict. The focus of the course will be an analysis of the roots of these conflicts, such as inter-religious, inter-sectarian, inter-ethnic tensions and the possibilities for their resolution. Special attention will be paid to the Lebanese and Yemeni civil wars and post-World War two inter-state conflicts such as the Arab-Israeli wars, the Iran-Iraq war, and finally the last two Gulf Wars. Student simulations will explore conflict resolution issues and techniques in the Arab-Israeli peace process and post-conflict Iraq.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
Prerequisite : Undergraduate level SPS 101 Minimum Grade of D OR Undergraduate level SPS 102 Minimum Grade of D
Corequisite : -