This course examines the interaction between politics and economics on an international scale. International political economy (IPE) is a field situated at the intersection of markets and politics. Through analyzing the nature of economic and political linkages at the global level, this course focuses on varying roles of states; multilateral and domestic institutions; and, non-state actors in shaping prevalent processes in the IPE. The main goal of this course is to expose students to theoretical debates and substantive empirical issues in the contemporary IPE scholarship. In order to meet this goal, we will discuss major theoretical approaches in the IPE field and analyze substantive empirical issues in light of these approaches. The empirical issues we will study include: international monetary relations; international trade and capital flows; and, contemporary phenomena like globalization and regionalization. Overall, this course seeks to help students develop theoretical knowledge and analytical skills in the field of IPE.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
Prerequisite :
Undergraduate level SPS 101 Minimum Grade of D
AND Undergraduate level SPS 102 Minimum Grade of D
AND Undergraduate level ECON 202 Minimum Grade of D
AND Undergraduate level IR 201 Minimum Grade of D
Corequisite :