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EE 48008 Special Topics in EE: Heterogeneous Computing and System-on-Chip Design
1. Introduction - System-on-Chip (SoC), System-on-System (SoS) 2. Processor Design Approach 3. Processor Performance Modeling 4. Pipelining 5. Shared Memory Systems and Coherency 6. HW/SW Co-Design 7. Accelerator-based System Design 8. Basics of Chips and Hardware Accelerators 9. Hardware Accelerators and Co-Processors 10. Parallel SoC Systems and Programming 11. On-Chip Interconnection 12. SoC Communication Architectures 13. Network on Chip (NoC) and NoC-based Interconnection 14. SoC Application Case Studies
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
Prerequisite : Undergraduate level CS 303 Minimum Grade of D
Corequisite : -