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President's Message

Our Dear Students,

As you all know, we are going through very difficult and challenging times, on a global scale. As Sabancı University, our first priority in this process is and will be the health and security of our students, our faculty and our staff. We trust that our country, and our university, will succeed in overcoming the difficulties with the help of good preparation, experience, and perseverance. 

We are closely following the developments and we are taking the measures necessary to minimize the impact of the epidemic on the academic life of our students. In cooperation with the Turkish Higher Education Council, we have started the preparations for on-line education in all of our programs. As of Monday March 23rd, Sabancı University will be initiating on-line education at undergraduate and graduate levels. 

The details will be sent to you by the teaching staff and faculty members who are responsible for your courses. I would like to thank all of our faculty and staff who have worked very hard to make this transition in such a short time. As Sabancı University, we are well aware and proud of our leading role in this endeavor. I wish the best of success to all of you in your on-line studies, and I sincerely hope to be able to see you all on campus, in a few weeks. 

With my best wishes,
Yusuf Leblebici