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Teaching Assistant in Literature

The Foundations Development Directorate at Sabancı University is seeking a qualified teaching assistant for an introductory level humanities course in Literature.

About Sabancı University 

Established by Sabancı Foundation in 1994, Sabancı University provides a world class education to its students from undergraduate to doctorate levels. It is distinguished by its educational system which was unique in Turkey when Sabancı University started its educational activities in 1999. It offers freedom to all its students to choose their academic program within the first two years after they are enrolled in the university. Sabancı University is the most entrepreneurial and innovative foundation university in Turkey, according to the University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Index produced by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in 2018. It also ranks first among the universities from Turkey in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020. As a young university with twenty years of history, Sabancı University aspires to become an international reference point for innovation in education and research. 


The Foundations Development Directorate (FDD) is seeking a professional Teaching Assistant for the course Major Works of Literature (HUM 201). 

As part of the university courses, 200-coded humanities courses are introductory courses that provide students with basic yet thorough knowledge, tools for independent and critical thinking as well as an appreciation of relevant fields. All undergraduate students are required to complete at least one 200-coded humanities course before graduation.     

One-hour discussion sections are conducted as a co-requisite of the courses. Discussion sections led by teaching assistants consist of a group of around 25 students. Discussion sections are designed to enhance students’ critical thinking, listening, and self-expression skills by expanding on the themes and major issues developed in the lecture. 


Candidates with an MA or PhD degree in Literature as well as advanced graduate students who are pursuing an MA or PhD degree in literature are eligible for the position.

Qualified candidates’ cumulative grade point averages and the courses they have taken will be taken into consideration. 

An excellent command of English is required. Qualified candidates’ language scores will be taken into consideration and candidates with the highest scores will be prioritized. 

Qualified candidates’ teaching experience will be taken into consideration. For candidates who have worked as a teaching assistant in a literature course before, previous performance evaluations by their instructors and student evaluation results will be taken into consideration. 

Qualified candidates’ compatibility with the respective needs of the course will be taken into consideration. As such, candidates’ past experience in the humanities (if applicable), coordination and good team work skills, and their potential to contribute to the designed format of the course will be evaluated.


The candidate is expected to:

  •  attend the weekly HUM 201 lectures and follow the course content
  •  lead discussion sessions every week
  •  grade examinations, writing assignments, and discussion section activities
  •  keep track of student attendance and participation
  •  help with exam proctoring during all exams
  •  hold weekly office hours
  •  attend all training, orientation programs, and meetings designed for HUM teaching assistants
  • be an active participant of the Humanities team

How to Apply 

Applicants are requested to complete an online application form at

Please make sure to include HUM201D-2024 as the Advertisement Reference Code.

Deadline for application submissions is August 18th, 2024.


About Sabancı University 

Established by Sabancı Foundation in 1994, Sabancı University provides a world class education to its students from undergraduate to doctorate levels. It is distinguished by its educational system which was unique in Turkey when Sabancı University started its educational activities in 1999. It offers freedom to all its students to choose their academic program within the first two years after they are enrolled in the university. Sabancı University has been the most entrepreneurial and innovative foundation university in the University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Index produced by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Turkey since 2012. It also ranks one of the top among the universities from Turkey in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. As a young university with twenty -five years of history, Sabancı University aspires to become an international reference point for innovation in education and research.

Sabancı University is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and equal treatment in education and employment. The University respects all individuals without any discrimination of gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, race, color, physical disability, physical appearance, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, age, or political affiliation in the administration of its educational, admission and employment policies, and its scholarship and university-sponsored programs.