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The Foundational Development Program at Sabancı University, Istanbul, invites applications for a pool of qualified part-time instructors to teach introductory level Humanities courses in history of modern art.

As part of the university courses, 200-coded Humanities courses are introductory courses that aim at providing students with basic yet thorough knowledge but also tools for independent and critical thinking as well as appreciation of the relevant field. All undergraduate students are required to complete at least one 200-coded Humanities course as part of their graduation requirements.

Sabanci University, a privately funded premier academic institution, started instruction in the 1999-2000 academic year in its new state-of-the-art campus located in suburban Istanbul. The University offers 12 undergraduate programs and 23 graduate programs in three faculties (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Management). The University aims at establishing a high standard of academic excellence and a research-oriented atmosphere both for its faculty and for its students, while nurturing productive relationships particularly with the industries in the region which constitute the industrial heartland of Turkey. The medium of instruction is English.

Detailed information about Sabancı University is available at the web site:

Job Description

Successful applicants are expected to teach at least one introductory level (200-coded) Humanities course in history of modern art. Among other responsibilities are holding regular office hours, grading, preparing course materials, and attending meetings and orientations when necessary.

General qualifications

  • PhD degree in art history. ABD candidates with outstanding qualifications may be considered.

  • Coordination and good teamwork skills as the job involves working with assistants

  • Fluent speaking and excellent writing skills in English

  • Teaching or assistantship experience in introductory large courses is a plus but not required

Evaluation of the applications will start on May,15th 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Qualified candidates may be asked to provide reference letters to support their application.

If you are up to the challenge, please send us your CV and Cover Letter to Arzu Kıran ( and Zeynep Nevin Yelçe (

The department encourages individuals who may have had non-traditional career paths, may have taken time off for family reasons (e.g., children, disabled, or elderly), or have achieved excellence in careers outside academia.