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HR Figures

Human Resources Facts and Figures

Academic Facts & Figures As of June 2019, there are 430 Faculty Members and Instructors in Sabancı University. Full time academicians constitute the majority of this number. As Sabancı University fulfills its goal of becoming a "world university," the value of internationally educated and employed staff inrealizing this goal is immeasurable. One can easily perceive "the powerful academic human resources" indicated in the table below which profiles our three faculties:

Full Time Faculty Members

FakülteÖğretim Üyesi SayısıOrtalama YaşOrt. Doktora Sonrası Akademik Deneyim (Yıl)Yurtdışı DoktoraSon işi Yurtdışında OlanlarEndüstri Deneyimleri (Yıl)
Toplam186461582%62%    4,8
SSBF55461296%58%    4,3
MDBF103461671%72%    4,2


82% of our full-time faculty members obtained their PhD degrees from abroad. 10% of our full-time faculty members have foreign citizenship. 

The concept of "brain drain" is the migration of talented individuals from our country to the West; however, Sabancı University as reversed this trend with its faculty profile.

The Turkish academicians, who left their overseas jobs to come to work at Sabancı University constitute 62% of our full-time faculty members. Half of our faculty held nonacademic jobs for 4,8 years; their varied employment will provide a wealth of experience to our university. Our faculty's academic experience post PhD of an average of 15 years demonstrates the dynamic, and experiencedacademicprofile of our university.

School of Languages

Students who have won a place at Sabancı University but did not hand in a valid external exam score at the English Language Assessment Exam will have to study one academic year at Foundations Development Year at the School of Languages. The School of Languages also offers 10 World Language courses other than English to Sabanci University students.

Diller OkuluSürekli Öğretim GörevlisiAnadilinde Ders Verenlerin OranıOrtalama Eğitim Deneyimi (Yıl)
Diğer Diller1%10019

Administrative Facts & Figures

Education Profile

LiseÖnlisansLisansYüksek LisansDoktora

Age Distribution

24-29 Yaş30-39 Yaş40-63 Yaş