MSc.Thesis Defense:Kader Bulut
Kader Bulut
Mathematics, MSc. Thesis Dissertation, 2024
Thesis Jury
Assoc. Prof Mohammad Sadek (Thesis Advisor),
Asst. Prof. Nurdagül Anbar Meidl
Asst. Prof. Nermine Ahmed El Sissi
Date & Time: 19th, 2014 – 11:00 AM
Place: FASS 1096
Keywords : Arithmetic dynamics, elliptic curves, hyperelliptic curves, abelian
varieties, preperiodic points, periodic points
In this thesis we focus on the preperiodic and periodic points of the dynamical systems associated to rational maps of degree 2. We discuss the state of the art regarding rational preperiodic points of polynomials of degree 2 defined over the rational field with an emphasis on the Uniform Boundedness Conjecture on the number of such points. We then study the known classification results of rational
preperiodic points of rational maps of degree 2, these maps include rational maps of degree 2 with abelian automorphism groups and rational maps of degree 2 with a rational periodic critical point of period 2.