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IMIS (International Management and Industrial Engineering Summit), which we have been organising every year since 2007 and which will be held for the 17th time this year under the main sponsorship of Garanti BBVA with the theme of Harmony, will take place on 9-10 March at Sabancı Show Centre.

IMIS, which is hosted by famous names as well as C-Level executives and held every year at SGM with an enormous foyer area, returns this year as more than just a career event.

The difficulties that our country and the world have experienced in the last few years; wars, diseases and destructions; This year in our event, where we aim to combine the solidarity and harmony that they should exhibit within themselves and against each other with career; Future Trends in Marketing and The Game Changer: AI panels will also take place.

Book your place for free from the link in our bio to take advantage of our full foyer area as well as unique career and internship opportunities!