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Digital Transformation in Industry

Increasing the competitiveness of societies in the digital transformation process depends on having human capital trained in this field. The social and economic landscape that we are used to (which is mostly consisted of issues that we could “observe, predict and control” thanks to the technological advances that we have witnessed particularly after the Second World War) is becoming a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) environment with the ongoing digital transformation. Along with the productivity & efficiency, which make more sense in a predictable world, agility is also added to the list of decision-making criteria set. Likewise, the convergent thinking skills, which aims to find the right solution in the fastest way, needs to be supported more by the divergent thinking skills, i.e., creativity, which focuses on producing many alternatives. That is to say, adapting to this new normal requires competencies consisting of a different attitude, different perspective, different abilities, and different knowledge.