IMPORTANT ! The Minor Program Directive Has Been Updated
Dear Undergraduate Students and Esteemed Sabancı University Members,
The Minor Program Directive, has been updated to take effect from the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. In this context, we kindly request that students who wish to enroll in minor programs for the first time and those who are currently enrolled pay attention to the following points.
With this update, the acceptance, continuation, and program completion requirements for all minor programs offered at our university will be applied as follows:
A. Acceptance Requirements
At the beginning of the semester in which enrollment in the minor program is to take place;
- Must be enrolled in a major diploma program.
- Must be at the beginning of the third semester at the earliest and the sixth semester at the latest (Applications must be made in the second semester at the earliest and the fifth semester at the latest.)
- Must meet the minimum GPA requirement determined by the Faculty to which the minor program is affiliated.
- Must have successfully completed all credit courses taken in the undergraduate major diploma program.
B. Continuation Requirements
- During the minor program, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.30 in their major diploma program. (This criterion will also be applied to currently enrolled students starting from the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.)
- A student who does not register in courses from the minor program for two consecutive semesters will have their minor program enrollment cancelled. (This criterion will also be applied to currently enrolled students starting from the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.)
- Enrollment in the minor program can be voluntarily cancelled, but in this case, re-enrollment in the same minor program will not be allowed.
C. Completion Requirements
- The graduation requirements of the registered undergraduate diploma program must be fulfilled.
- The minimum GPA determined by the Faculty to which the minor program is affiliated at the time of application must be met.
- All courses required by the minor program must be successfully completed.
You can find our relevant webpage through this link.
We present this information for your attention.
Student Resources