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Course Registrations: Summer School Course Restrictions

Dear Students,

During 2023-2024 Summer school course registrations, course restrictions below will be applied:

  1. HIST 191, HIST 192, TLL 101 and TLL 102 courses will be taught in Turkish. Only Turkish students or foreign students speaking Turkish can enroll in these courses.
  2. Courses below will only be available for repeating students. Only students who have registered before can register the courses below.
    • HIST 191
    • IF 100 (Students who are in double major can take the course for the first time with prerequisite permission.)
    • MATH 101
    • NS 101
    • NS 102 (Students who will graduate at the end of the 2023-2024 summer school, can take the course for the first time with prerequisite permission.)
    • SPS 101
    • TLL 101

We wish you success,
Student Resources