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Course Registrations: Support (Course Capacities, Approvals, Selection)

Dear Students,

You can send registration override requests on BannerClick here for the override explanations and details. Your override request will be seen by the instructor.

If you get capacity error (Closed Section) or you want to get help on the course registration; you can contact the person listed below related with your registered program. Undeclared students can contact the person related with their intended program.

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

( BIO )  Cem Azgari

( BIO )  Cemile Uslu

( CS )  Baran Deniz Karahan

( CS )  Emine Ayşe Sunar

( CS )  Alperen Doğan

( CS )  Serhat Demirkıran 

( EE )  Tahsin Alper Özkan

( IE )  Deniz Tuncer

( IE )  Raci Berk İslim

( ME )  Mehmet Emin Mumcuoğlu

( MAT )  Mervenaz Şahin

( MAT )  Cihan Arlı


Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

( CULT / PHIL / LIT / ANTH / GEN / SOC )  Soner Cem Gür

ECON ) Muhammed Dönmez

( POLS / PSIR / SPS / IR )  Zeynep Özge Iğdır

( PSY ) Tuba Pelin Öztürk

VA / HART ) Gaye Kuas


Sabancı Business School

( MAN )  Eda Helin Gündeş

( MAN )  Neşe Yıldırım


The Foundations Development Program

( FDP )  (Freshman University Courses, Courses coded with HUM 2xx and 3xx, Course coded with SPS 303)  Arzu Kıran,  Internal: 9708, Room No: UC 1089

( FDP )  (PROJ 201) Ebru Yeşim Şaylan,  Internal: 9969, Room No: UC 1089


We wish you a success in the new term.

Student Resources