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Attention Foreign Students Undertaking Mandatory Internship in Turkey

To the Attention of Our Foreign Students Who Will Undertake a Mandatory Internship in Turkey

As part of the mandatory internship program, "Insurance for Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases" is required. Undertaking an internship without this insurance will be considered a voluntary internship.

However, within the scope of the new procedure of the Ministry of Labor, our foreign students who will do their mandatory internship in Turkey are required to get the e-Exemption Certificate. Without this document, the university does not cover insurance against “Insurance of Occupational Accidents and Professional Diseases” by the university.

For our foreign students who will do an internship within the scope of a Mandatory Internship, the university provides the e-Exemption Certificate through consultancy. To be able to get this document, the following documents must be sent to the e-mail ADDRESS AT LEAST ONE MONTH BEFORE THE İNTERNSHIP START DATE after the institution/company where the internship will be done is finalized.

  1. Copy of passport ID page
  2. Copy of student residence in Turkey (single pdf)
  3. Active student document (student can obtain it from SR or e-government)
  4. Information form (prepared by consultancy firm for student to fill out)
  5. Internship acceptance document from the institution where the student did the internship (barcoded and cap-based, the company where the internship will be done was requested to prepare such a document)
  6. Full address of the company where the student will do the internship (can be written on the information form)
  7. If the student is married, spouse's name, surname and nationality
  8.  Workplace internship contract (must be wet-signed and stamped by the student, the institution where the student will work and the rectorate/ It can be requested by the Career Development &Internship Office.)
  9. Internship letter (prepared by the Career Development &Internship Office)

After the e-Exemption Certificate have recaived, it will be shared via the student’s e-mail address.


Career Development & Internship Office