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Course Registrations: Course Registration Overrides

Dear Students,

You can find some system warnings and their explanations about the course registration in the table below. Except course capacity warning, you can request permission as follows.

System Warnings


Closed Section (Section capacity is full)

Course capacity is full. You can not override Closed Section warning with any registration permission. You can contact the person listed in mySU announcement related with your registered program. Undeclared students can contact the person related with their intended program.

Field of Study Restriction

Course registration is restricted for your major or program.

Class Restriction

Course registration is restricted for your class.

Program Restriction

You can not register to the courses because of diploma program.

Approval Needed 

To take the course, you need to get approval (Approval Needed) from the primary instructor of it.

*This permission is different from "Time conflict" , "Prerequisite", "Field of Study Restriction", etc.

Time conflict with CRN …

Course section that you are trying to register is having a conflict with another section that you are trying to add or you are already registered.

Please click for detailed information regarding course registration system warnings.

You are required to contact the person listed in mySU announcement related with your registered program, regarding Capacity (Closed Section) warning.

You can request course registration overrides for the registration warnings listed above, except for Closed Section warning. Please click to get further details about course registration overrides.

We wish you a success in the new term.

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