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MGMT 871 Design Thinking and the Power of Storytelling in Business
This course aims at introducing students to new concepts and methods: design thinking and storytelling. Design thinking promotes user-centered innovation, experimentation to cope with the uncertainties that firms face during the innovation process, which rests on some principles, such involvement of users to the innovation or product/service development and design process, problem framing, leveraging empathy with users, experimentation, and diversity. Offering a new method of problem solving, Design Thinking emphasizes the importance of experimenting, learning-by-doing, listening customers, iterations until finding a satisfying solution to the problems. Entrepreneurs or managers challenge with not only creating viable solutions to the problems and solutions/innovations to customers and stakeholders where narratives and stories always helped to communicate their vision, and how their innovations would shape the future. Although these stories have improved the communication between and within the firms and their stakeholders, the power of storytelling in business has been widely ignored. Today, with the rise of social media and new communicational channels and tools, storytelling has become more and more critical talent/competence. Providing students with practice-based skills is critical in this course, for this aim, they are required to work on two projects. One of them is based on practicing design thinking process and principles, which students are requested to frame a problem, develop a viable solution, develop a prototype as ensuring user/customer involvement and conduct various experiments to understand the viability of the solution. Second project focuses on storytelling practices; students are required to craft an effective story for the innovation/solution that they develop for the first project. They are also requested to deconstruct and analyze the stories told by classmates.
SU Credits : 1.500
ECTS Credit : 3.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -