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Goktuğ KarpatE-mail : goktug.karpat sabanciuniv.edu Personal web page  Education :
B.Sc. in Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology (2007), Ph.D. in Physics, Sabanci University (2013). Areas of Interest :
Quantum information theory, Open quantum systems Theory, Quantum CorrelationsBefore SU Publications:
- Memory in quantum processes with indefinite time direction and causal order, G. Karpat and B. Çakmak, Phys. Rev. A 110, 012446 (2024).
- Predicting the onset of quantum synchronization using machine learning, F. Mahlow, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, İ. Yalçınkaya, F. F. Fanchini, Phys. Rev. A 109, 052411 (2024) [Editor's Suggestion].
- Entropy production in non-Markovian collision models: Information backflow vs system-environment correlations, H. T. Şenyaşa, Ş. Kesgin, G. Karpat, B. Çakmak, Entropy 24(6), 824 (2022).
- Synchronization and non-Markovianity in open quantum systems, G. Karpat, İ. Yalçınkaya, B. Çakmak, G. L. Giorgi, R. Zambrini, Physical Review A 103, 062217 (2021).
- Estimating the degree of non-Markovianity using machine learning, F. F. Fanchini, G. Karpat, D. Z. Rossatto, A. Norambna, R. Coto, Physical Review A 103, 022425 (2021).
- Disorder-free localization in quantum walks, B. Danacı, İ. Yalçınkaya, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, S. P. Kelly, A. L. Subaşı, Physical Review A 103, 022416 (2021).
- Quantum synchronization of few-body systems under collective dissipation, G. Karpat, İ. Yalçınkaya, B. Çakmak, Physical Review A 101, 042121 (2020).
- Quantum synchronization in a collision model, G. Karpat, İ. Yalçınkaya, B. Çakmak, Physical Review A 100, 012133 (2019).
- Non-markovianity and bound states in quantum walks with a phase impurity, B. Danacı, G. Karpat, İ. Yalçınkaya, A. L. Subaşı, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 225302 (2019).
- Continuous dynamical decoupling and decoherence free subspaces for moving qubits, İ. Yalçınkaya, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, F. F. Fanchini, Quantum Information Processing 18, 156 (2019).
- [Time-invariant Discord: High temperature limit and initial environmental correlations, F. T. Tabesh, G. Karpat, S. Maniscalco, S. Salimi, A. S. Khorashad, Quantum Information Processing 17 (4), 87 (2018).
- Symmetry in the open-system dynamics of quantum correlations, H. Lyyra, G. Karpat, C. -F. Li, G. -C. Guo, J. Piilo, S. Maniscalco, Scientific Reports 7, 8367 (2017).
- Remote polarization entanglement generation by local dephasing and frequency upconversion, S. Hamedani Raja, G. Karpat, E.-M. Laine, S. Maniscalco, J. Piilo, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, Physical Review A 96, 013844 (2017).
- Time-invariant entanglement and sudden death of non-locality, B.-H. Liu, X.-M. Hu, J.-S. Chen, C. Zhang, Y.-F. Huang, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, G. Karpat, F. F. Fanchini, J. Piilo, S. Maniscalco, Physical Review A 94, 062107 (2016).
- Dynamical Memory Effects in Correlated Quantum Channels, C. Addis, G. Karpat, C. Macchiavello, S. Maniscalco, Physical Review A 94, 032121 (2016).
- Inequivalence of Correlation-based Measures of Non-Markovianity, A. C. Neto, G. Karpat, F. F. Fanchini, Physical Review A 94, 032105 (2016).
- Quantum correlations and coherence in spin-1 Heisenberg chains, A. L. Malvezzi, G. Karpat, B. Çakmak, F. F. Fanchini, T. Debarba, R. O. Vianna, Physical Review B 93, 184428 (2016).
- Time-Invariant discord in dynamically decoupled systems, C. Addis, G. Karpat, S. Maniscalco, Physical Review A 92, 062109 (2015).
- Computational speed-up with a single qudit, I. A. Silva, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, E. L. G. Vidoto, D. O. Soares-Pinto, E. R. deAzevedo, F. F. Fanchini, Z. Gedik, Scientific Reports 5, 14671 (2015).
- Controlling entropic uncertainty bound through memory effects, G. Karpat, J. Piilo, S. Maniscalco, Europhysics Letters 111, 50006 (2015).
- Factorization and criticality in the anisotropic XY chain via correlations, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, F. F. Fanchini, Entropy 17(2), 790 (2015).
- Non-Markovianity through flow of information between a system and environment, S. Haseli, G. Karpat, S. Salimi, A.S. Khorashad, F. F. Fanchini, B. Çakmak, G. H. Aguilar, S. P. Walborn, P. H. Souto Ribeiro, Physical Review A 90, 052118 (2014).
- Quantum coherence and uncertainty in the anisotropic XY chain, G. Karpat, B. Çakmak, F. F. Fanchini, Physical Review B 90, 104431 (2014).
- Non-Markovianity through accessible information, F. F. Fanchini, G. Karpat, B. Çakmak, L. K. Castelano, G. H. Aguilar, O. Jimenez Farias, S. P. Walborn, P. H. Souto Ribeiro, M. C. de Oliveira, Physical Review Letters 112, 210402 (2014).
- Sudden change of quantum discord for a system of two qubits, J.P.G. Pinto, G. Karpat and F.F. Fanchini, Physical Review A 88, 034304 (2013).
- Probing the degree of non-Markovianity for independent and common environments, F. F. Fanchini, G. Karpat, L. K. Castelano and D. Z. Rossatto, Physical Review A 88, 012105 (2013).
- Critical point estimation and long-range behavior in the one-dimensional XY model using thermal quantum and total correlations, B. Çakmak, G. Karpat and Z. Gedik, Physics Letters A 376, 2982 (2012).
- Optimal local transformations of flip and exchange symmetric entangled states, G. Karpat and Z. Gedik, Physics Letters A 376, 75 (2011).
- Correlation dynamics of qubit-qutrit systems in a classical dephasing environment, G. Karpat and Z. Gedik, Physics Letters A 375, 4166 (2011).
- Decoherence induced spontaneous symmetry breaking, G. Karpat, Z. Gedik, Optics Communications 282, 4460 (2009).