Ata Can Bertay

Türkçe sürüm

Ata Can Bertay

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Personal web page

Areas of Interest :

Banking, Financial Economics, Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Economic Growth, Gender Economics.

Publications :

Bertay, Ata Can and Demirgüç-Kunt, Aslı and Huizinga, Harry (2024) "Are international banks different? Evidence on bank performance and strategy", Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol.66, No.2, 101-142 (SSCI)
Anginer, Deniz and Bertay, Ata Can and Cull, Robert and Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli and Mare, Davide S. (2021) "Bank capital regulation and risk after the Global Financial Crisis". Published Online First
Bertay, Ata Can and Uras, Burak R. (2020) "Leverage, bank employee compensation and institutions", Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.111 (SSCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Feyen, Erik and Fiess, Norbert and Bertay, Ata Can and Huertas, Igor Zuccardi, "Cross-border banking in EMDEs: trends, scale, and policy implications", Handbook of Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets, Nguyen, Duc (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, October 2022, 573-596
Working Paper / Technical Report
Bertay, Ata Can and Baştimur, Hazal and Ararat, Melsa and Dağdemir, İdil Zeynep, "CDP climate change and water report 2021: Turkey edition", April 2022, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_SOM_WP.2022.42795
Before SU Publications:

Bertay, A. C., & Uras, B. R. (2020). Leverage, bank employee compensation and institutions. Journal of Banking & Finance, 111, 105701. [Google Scholar Citations: 3]

Anginer, D., & Bertay A. C., (2019). Deposit Insurance Design and Institutional Environment. ifo DICE Report, 17(1), 03-08, 2019.

Bertay, A. C., Gong D., & Wagner, W. (2017). Securitization and Economic Activity: The Credit Composition Channel. Journal of Financial Stability, 28, 225-239. [Google Scholar Citations: 21]

Bertay, A. C., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Huizinga, H. (2016). Should Cross-Border Banking Benefit from the Financial Safety Net?. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 27, 51-67. [Google Scholar Citations: 27]

Bertay, A. C., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Huizinga, H. (2015). Bank Ownership and Credit over the Business Cycle: Is Lending by State Banks Less Procyclical?. Journal of Banking & Finance, 50, 326-339. [Google Scholar Citations: 235]

Bertay, A. C., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Huizinga, H. (2013). Do We Need Big Banks? Evidence on Performance, Strategy and Market Discipline. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22(4), 532-558. [Google Scholar Citations: 321]