Bekir Dızman

Türkçe sürüm

Bekir Dızman

E-mail :

Personal web page

Areas of Interest :

1. Structure-property relationship in functional/water-soluble/high performance polymers 2. Nano-engineered prepregs and composite materials 3. Out-of-autoclave (OOA) manufacturing of composite materials 4. Catalysts and catalyst systems for composite materials 5. Nanomedicines (advanced drug delivery systems, nanotheranostics)

Awards :

  • Eşik Üstü Ödülü: MSCA A Versatile Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery System For Synergistic Treatment of Prostate Cancer - Sabanci University  2020
  • H2020 Eşik üstü Ödülü: Multifunctional energy storage solution for electric aircraft - Sabanci University  2020

Membership :

American Chemical Society Polymer Processing Society

Publications :

Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Behroozi Kohlan, Taha and Salamatgharamaleki, Saeed and Yıldız, Mehmet and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Ünal, Serkan and Dızman, Bekir (2024) "Poly(2-alkyl/aryl-2-oxazoline)-imidazole complexes as thermal latent curing agents for epoxy resins". Published Online First
Uçar, Cuma Ali and Dızman, Bekir (2024) "Synthesis and characterization of 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole-phenyl isocyanate adduct and its application as a thermal latent curing agent for diglycidylether bisphenol A resin", ACS Omega, Vol.9, No.33, 35579-35588 (SCI)
Durmuş Sayar, Ayşe and Tansan, Murat and Çinko Çoban, Tuğçe and Serttan, Dilay and Dızman, Bekir and Yıldız, Mehmet and Ünal, Serkan (2024) "Incorporation of graphene nanoplatelets into fiber-reinforced polymer composites in the presence of highly branched waterborne polyurethanes", Polymers, Vol.16, No.6 (SCI)
Behroozi Kohlan, Taha and Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Yıldız, Mehmet and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Ünal, Serkan and Dızman, Bekir (2023) "Amphiphilic polyoxazoline copolymer-imidazole complexes as tailorable thermal latent curing agents for one-component epoxy resins", ACS Omega, Vol.8, No.49, 47173-47186 (SCI)
Behroozi Kohlan, Taha and Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Yıldız, Mehmet and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Ünal, Serkan and Dızman, Bekir (2022) "Synthesis and structure-property relationship of amphiphilic poly(2-ethyl- co-2-(alkyl/aryl)-2-oxazoline) copolymers", ACS Omega, Vol.7, No.44, 40067-40077 (SCI)
Şahin, Zeynep Munteha and Behroozi Kohlan, Taha and Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Yıldız, Mehmet and Ünal, Serkan and Dızman, Bekir (2022) "Polyoxazoline-modified graphene oxides with improved water and epoxy resin dispersibility and stability towards composite applications", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.139, No.25 (SCI)
Güçlü, Serkan and Kızıldağ, Nuray and Dızman, Bekir and Ünal, Serkan (2022) "Solvent-based recovery of high purity polysulfone and polyester from end-of-life reverse osmosis membranes", Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Vol.31 (SCI)
Harris, J. Milton and Bentley, Michael D. and Moreadith, Randall W. and Viegas, Tacey X. and Fang, Zhihao and Yoon, Kunsang and Weimer, Rebecca and Dizman, Bekir and Nordstiern, Lars (2019) "Tuning drug release from polyoxazoline-drug conjugates", European Polymer Journal, Vol.120 (SCI)
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Salamatgharamaleki, Saeed and Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Kohlan, Taha Behroozi and Ünal, Serkan and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z. and Yıldız, Mehmet and Dızman, Bekir, "Synthesis and characterization of hydrolyzed polyoxazolines and investigation of their curing capabilities", Doğan, Muhittin (ed.), 5th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2022), EurasianBioChem, December 2022, 136-136
Kori, Serra and Güzeldağ, Berna and Kızıldağ, Nuray and Uğur, Gokce and Koldemir, Unsal and Dızman, Bekir and Ünal, Serkan, "An investigation on the efficiency of the catalyst systems used in the chemical recycling of PET", Ulcay, Yusuf and Demir, Ali and Kızıldağ, Nuray and Polat, Yusuf and Seyhan, Aybeniz and Sağırlı, Merve Nur (eds.), 11th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, ULPAS, November 2022, 267-267
Ünal, Serkan and Kızıldağ, Nuray and Güçlü, Serkan and Dızman, Bekir and Menceloğlu, Yusuf Z., "Sustainability for polymeric fibers and textiles", Ulcay, Yusuf and Demir, Ali and Kızıldağ, Nuray and Polat, Yusuf and Seyhan, Aybeniz and Sağırlı, Merve Nur (eds.), 11th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, ULPAS, November 2022, 247-248
Dızman, Bekir and Şahin, Zeynep and Behroozi Kohlan, Taha and Ateşpare, Asu Ece and Sümbül Boztaş, Ayşe Nur and Uçar, Ali Cuma and Nakipoğlu, Büşra, "Polyoxazolines: a review of their synthesis, properties, and applications", 32. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Türkiye Kimya Derneği, September 2020, 65-65
Before SU Publications:

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Moreadith Randall W, Viegas Tacey X, Bentley Michael D, Harris Milton J, Fang Zhihou, Yoon Kunsang, DIZMAN Bekir, Weimer Rebecca, Rae Brendan P, Li Xiuling, Rader Christoph, Standaert David, Olanow, Warren (2017). Clinical development of a poly(2-oxazoline) (POZ) polymer therapeutic for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease – Proof of concept of POZ as a versatile polymer platform for drug development in multiple therapeutic indications. European Polymer Journal, 88, 524-552.
  2. Jaunarajs Karen L Eskow, Standaert David G, Viegas Tacey X, Bentley Michael D, Fang Zhihao, DIZMAN Bekir, Yoon Kunsang, Weimer Rebecca, Ravenscroft Paula, P Hill Michael, Johnston Tom H, Brothchie Jonathan M, Moreadith Randall W (2013). Rotigotine polyoxazoline conjugate SER-214 provides robust and sustained antiparkinsonian benefit. Movement Disorders, 28(12), 1675-1682.
  3. Viegas Tacey X, Bentley Michael D, Harris Milton J, Fang Zhihao, Yoon Kunsang, DIZMAN Bekir, Weimer Rebecca, Mero Anna, Pasut Gianfranco, Veronese Francesco M (2011). Polyoxazoline: Chemistry, Properties, and Applications in Drug Delivery. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 22(5), 976-986.
  4. DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2007). Synthesis, characterization, and cyclopolymerization of a functional non-symmetric divinyl monomer. Polymer, 48(18), 5226-5232.
  5. DIZMAN Bekir, Badger Jonathan C, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2007). Antibacterial fluoromicas: A novel delivery medium. Applied Clay Science, 38(1-2), 57-63.
  6. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2006). Synthesis and antibacterial activities of water-soluble methacrylate polymers containing quaternary ammonium compounds. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 44(20), 5965-5973.
  7. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2006). Synthesis and characterization of antibacterial and temperature responsive methacrylamide polymers. Macromolecules, 39(17), 5738-5746.
  8. DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis and self-catalyzed phase transfer reaction of novel methacrylate polymers. Journal of Polymer Sci. Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 43(23), 5844-5854.
  9. Ayfer Burcu, DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J, Avci Duygu (2005). Synthesis and antibacterial activities of new quaternary ammonium monomers. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 8(5), 437-451.
  10. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Methacrylate Polymers Containing Norfloxacin. Biomacromolecules, 6(1), 514-520.
  11. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2004). Synthesis and antimicrobial activities of new water-soluble bis-quaternary ammonium methacrylate polymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94(2), 635-642.



  1. Subcutaneous delivery of polymer conjugates of therapeutic agents, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas, Michael David Bentley (2017), Patent App. No: US15480122.
  2. Subcutaneous delivery of poly (oxazoline) conjugates, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Michael David Bentley, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas (2016) Granted Patent No: US8383093 B1.
  3. Subcutaneous Delivery of Poly (oxazoline) Polymer Conjugates, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Michael David Bentley, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas (2016), Patent App. No: US15197336.
  4. Subcutaneous delivery of polymer conjugates of therapeutic agents, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas, Michael David Bentley (2014), Patent App. No: US14355515.
  5. Subcutaneous delivery of poly (oxazoline) polymer conjugates, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Michael David Bentley, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Welmer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas (2014), Patent App. No: US14094425.
  6. Subcutaneous delivery of polymer conjugates of therapeutic agents, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas, Michael David Bentley (2014), Patent App. No: US20140271527 A1.
  7. Subcutaneous delivery of poly(oxazoline) conjugates, Patent Applicant: Serina Therapeutics, Inc., Patent Inventors: Randall Moreadith, Michael David Bentley, Kunsang Yoon, Zhihao Fang, Rebecca Weimer, Bekir DIZMAN, Tacey Viegas (2013) Granted Patent No: US8597633 B2.


Books/Book Chapters/Reviews:

  1. Engineering of Biomaterials for Drug Delivery Systems, Beyond Polyethylene Glycol. Book Chapter Title: Poly (oxazolines) (2018). Viegas Tacey, Fang Zhihao, Yoon Kunsang, Weimer Rebecca, DIZMAN Bekir. Woodhead Publishing. Editor: Parambath Anilkumar. ISBN: 9780081017500.
  2. Synthesis and Properties of Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials ACS Symposium Series 838, Book Chapter Title: Preparation and properties of Silicone-Urea Copolymers doped with Cobalt (II) chloride) (2003). Yilgor Emel, Gordeslioglu Mehmet, DIZMAN Bekir, Yilgor Iskender. Washington, DC, American Chemical Society, Editor: Clarson Stephen J, Fitzgerald John J, Owen Michael J, Smith Steven D and Dyke Mark E Van. ISBN: 0841238049.
  3. Smart Coatings II ACS Symposium Series 1002, Book Chapter Title: Novel Antibacterial Polymers (2009). DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J. Oxford University Press Inc. Editor: Provder Theodore, Baghdachi Jamil. ISBN: 0841272182.


Preprints, Posters and Oral Presentations

  1. Dizman Bekir, Unal Serkan, Menceloglu Yusuf Z., Yildiz Mehmet (2019). Polymer-amine based thermally latent catalyst systems for composite applications. 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society. Cesme-İzmir/TURKEY.
  2. Dizman Bekir, Unal Serkan, Menceloglu Yusuf Z., Yildiz Mehmet (2019). Development of a versatile technology platform based on oxazoline chemistry and its uses in pharmaceutical and composite applications. 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society. Cesme-İzmir/TURKEY.
  3. Kizildag Nuray, Tufani Ali, Sevinis Billur, Guclu Serkan, DIZMAN Bekir, Menceloglu Yusuf, Unal Serkan (2019). Solvent-based Recycling Process for Polypropylene Products. 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society. Cesme-İzmir/TURKEY.
  4. Michaels Ben, Weimer Rebecca, DIZMAN Bekir (2017). Synthesis, Optimization and Characterization of 2-Pentynyl-2-Oxazoline (PTZ). Biotrain.
  5. Linden Livia, DIZMAN Bekir, Weimer Rebecca, Viegas Tacey X, Bentley Michael D (2014). Synthesis, Purification and Analysis of Monodisperse Oxazoline Oligomers. Biotrain.
  6. Viegas TX, Bentley MD, Yoon K, Fang Z, DIZMAN Bekir, Weimer R (2013). SER-201, a novel polyoxazoline conjugate of irinotecan with improved efficacy in five mouse models. Programs and abstracts of the 40th annual meeting and exposition of the Controlled Release Society. Hawaii.
  7. Viegas TX, Bentley MD, Yoon K, Fang Z, DIZMAN Bekir, Weimer R. (2013). Polyoxazoline a suitable biopolymer for the extended release of irinotecan in rats and dogs. [abstract 561]. In: Programs and abstracts of the 40th annual meeting and exposition of the Controlled Release Society. Hawaii.
  8. Moreadith Randall W, Viegas T X, Standaert D G, Bentley M D, Fang Zhihao, DIZMAN Bekir, Yoon Kunsang, Weimer Rebecca, Harris J Milton, Ravenscroft Paula, Johnston T H, Hill Mike, Brothchie J M (2012). Polymer-conjugated Rotigotine Formulation Affords Greatly Extended Duration of Antiparkinsonian Effect and Enhanced Plasma Exposure Following A Single Administration in Rodents and Primates. 16th International Conference of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders.
  9. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2007). Novel Antibacterial Polymers. The 233rd ACS National Meeting POLY 511, 48(1).
  10. DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2007). Synthesis and Cycylopolymerization of A Non-Symmetric Functional Divinyl Monomer. The 233rd ACS National Meeting POLY 309, 48(1).
  11. Keller Kristi R, DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2006). Synergistic Effects in Antimicrobial Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activities. 17th Annual Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics.
  12. DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2006). Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Methacrylamide Polymers with Pendant Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. The 231st ACS NAtional Meeting POLY-050, 47(1), 302-303.
  13. DIZMAN Bekir,Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2006). Stimuli-Responsive Antibacterial Polymers. 4th Annual MRSEC Graduate Research Poster Symposium.
  14. Keller Kristi R, DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J (2007). Synergistic effects in antimicrobial polymers: Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial testing. The 233rd ACS National Meeting Polymer COLL 293, 48(1).
  15. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2006). Novel Antibacterial Polymers. International Symposium on Stimuli-Responsive Materials.
  16. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2006). Novel Antibacterial Polymers. Smart Coatings.
  17. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis of Novel Antibacterial Polymers Containing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. The 57th Southeast/61st Southwest regional Meeting.
  18. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of New Methacrylate/Methacrylamide Polymers with Pendant Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. 3rd Annual MRSEC Graduate Research Poster Symposium.
  19. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis of Novel Antibacterial Polymers Containing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. Gordon Research Conference.
  20. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Methacrylate Polymers with Pendant Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. Polyurea Development Association 2005 Annual Conference.
  21. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis of Novel Methacrylate Polymers Containing Norfloxacin. The 229th ACS National Meeting POLY-337, 46(1), 818-819.
  22. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Methacrylate Polymers with Pendant Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. The 229th ACS National Meeting POLY-490.
  23. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2005). Antibacterial Nanocomposites: A Novel Delivery Medium. The 229th ACS National Meeting POLY-219.
  24. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2004). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Methacrylate Polymers with Pendant Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. 2nd Annual MRSEC Graduate Research Poster Symposium.
  25. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2004). Synthesis and Characterization of New Water-Soluble Bis-Quaternary Ammonium Acrylate Polymers. The 227th ACS National Meeting POLY-229.
  26. Ayfer Burcu, DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J, Avci Duygu (2004). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of New Quaternary Ammonium Monomers and Polymers. International Conference on Functional Acrylates.
  27. Ayfer Burcu, DIZMAN Bekir, Mathias Lon J, Avci Duygu (2004). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of New Quaternary Ammonium Monomers and Polymers. MACRO-2004 IUPAC World Polymer Congress 40th International Symposium on Macromolecules.
  28. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2003). Antibacterial Polymers Containing DABCO-based Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. 1st Annual MRSEC Graduate Research Poster Symposium.
  29. DIZMAN Bekir, Elasri Mohamed O, Mathias Lon J (2004). Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activities of New Water-soluble Bis-quaternary Ammonium Methacrylate Polymers. 7th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC Conference.
  30. Yilgor Emel, Gordeslioglu Mehmet, DIZMAN Bekir, Yilgor Iskender (2001). Spectroscopic, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Silicone-Urea Copolymers Doped with Transition Metal Salts. The 221st ACS National Meeting POLY-316, 42(1), 211-212.
  31. DIZMAN Bekir, Yilgor Emel, Gordeslioglu Mehmet, Yilgor Iskender (2000). Physicochemical Properties of Novel Materials Obtained by Complex Formation Between Silicon-Urea and Cobalt (II) chloride. Polyurethanes 2000 Conference.