Şirin Kaya

Türkçe sürüm

Şirin Kaya

E-mail : sirin.kayasabanciuniv.edu

Personal web page

Areas of Interest :

Neutron Stars High Energy Astrophysics

Membership :

Türk Astronomi Derneği

Publications :

Posselt, B. and Pavlov, G. G. and Ertan, Ünal and Kaya, Şirin and Luhman, K. L. and Williams, C. C. (2018) "Discovery of extended infrared emission around the neutron star RXJ0806.4-4123", Astrophysical Journal, Vol.865, No.1 (SCI)
Ertan, Ünal and Çalışkan, Şirin and Alpar, M. Ali (2017) "Optical excess of dim isolated neutron stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.470, No.1, 1253-1258 (SCI)
Benli, Onur and Çalışkan, Şirin and Ertan, Ünal (2015) "Long-term evolution, x-ray outburst and optical/infrared emission of SGR 0501+4516", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.447, No.3, 2282-2286 (SCI)
Benli, Onur and Çalışkan, Şirin and Ertan, Ünal and Alpar, M. Ali and Trümper, J. E. and Kylafis, N. D. (2013) "X-ray enhancement and long-term evolution of swift J1822.3-1606", Astrophysical Journal, Vol.778, No.2 (SCI)