Kürşat  Çağıltay

English version

Kürşat Çağıltay

E-posta : kursat.cagiltaysabanciuniv.edu

Araştırma Alanları :

İnsan Bilgisayar Etkileşimi, UX, Teknoloji ile Zenginleştirilmiş Öğrenme, Göz Hareketleri Takip Teknolojisi, VR/AR/MR, Simulasyonlar ve Bilgisayar Oyunları, Bilişsel Bilimler, Öğrenme Mühendisliği, MOOC

Yayınlar :

Donmez, Mehmet and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2024) "Providing educational accessibility for a paralyzed student by eye-tracking technology: a design-based research study", Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Vol.25, No.3, 28-43 (ESCI)
Sat, Mustafa and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2024) "Empowering teachers' professional development with e-textiles supported educational STEAM projects". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10798-024-09892-8
Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil and Toker, Sacip and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2024) "Exploring MOOC learners' behavioural patterns considering age, gender and number of course enrolments: insights for improving educational opportunities", Open Praxis, Vol.16, No.1, 70-81 (ESCI)
Kara, Ersin and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Designing for executive functions: exploring design issues and preschool-aged children's characteristics through digital games". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2279403
Tunga, Yeliz and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Myths or facts: prevalence, and predictors of neuromyths among Turkish teachers", Education and Science, Vol.48, No.216, 229-246 (SSCI)
Tunga, Yeliz and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Looking through the model's eye: a systematic review of eye movement modeling example studies", Education and Information Technologies, Vol.28, No.8, 9607-9633 (SSCI)
Celik, Berkan and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Did you act according to your intention? An analysis and exploration of intention-behavior gap in MOOCs". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11859-6
Gurcan, Fatih and Erdogdu, Fatih and Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Student engagement research trends of past 10 years: a machine learning-based analysis of 42,000 research articles". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11803-8
Kara, Ersin and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Using e-textiles to design and develop educational games for preschool-aged children", Educational Technology and Society, Vol.26, No.2, 19-35 (SSCI)
Piri, Zeynep and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Can 3-dimensional visualization enhance mental rotation (MR) ability?: A systematic review". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2196161
Çelik, Berkan and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "The undervalued variable in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) research: an analysis and conceptualization of readiness for online learning in MOOCs". Published Online First https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11662-3
Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil and Toker, Sacip and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Exploring the influence of countries' economic conditions on massive open online course (MOOC) participation: a study of 3.5 million MITx learners", International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol.24, No.2, 1-17 (SSCI)
Celik, Berkan and Esfer, Sezin and Çağıltay, Kürşat (2023) "Expert heuristic collaborative approach for usability testing in a mooc portal", New Design Ideas, Vol.7, No.1, 81-94 (NA)
Book Section / Chapter
Yecan, Esra and Çağıltay, Kürşat and Akar, Hanife, "Fostering professional development on teaching via an online platform enriched with real-life case videos and discussions", Adjunct Faculty in Online Higher Education: Best Practices for Teaching Adult Learners, Tarbutton, Tanya McGlashing and Doyle, Lori Beth (eds.), IGI Global, January 2024, 132-152
Polat, Elif and Çağıltay, Kürşat and Karasu, Necdet, "Design principles of an interactive tangible mobile application for students with specific learning disabilities", Closing the Educational Achievement Gap for Students With Learning Disabilities, Nyemba, Florence and Chitiyo, Rufaro Audrey (eds.), IGI Global, October 2023, 136-162
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Piri, Zeynep and Kaplan, Goknur and Çağıltay, Bilgehan and Çağıltay, Kürşat, "Holomental: improving mental rotation ability with mixed reality", Conati, Cristina and Torre, Ilaria and Volpe, Gualtiero (eds.), International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2024), New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery, June 2024
Piri, Zeynep and Çağıltay, Kürşat, "3-D mental rotation ability testing with mixed reality", Chen, Jessie Y. C. and Fragomeni, Gino and Fang, Xiaowen (eds.), 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2023, Springer Cham, December 2023, 157-170