Nur  Mustafaoğlu

English version

Nur Mustafaoğlu

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Kişisel web sayfası

Araştırma Alanları :

Biyomuhendislik, organ cip modelleri, kan-beyin bariyeri, beyin hastaliklari, kok hucre teknolojileri, ilac salinimi, nano parcaciklar, lipozomlar, biyosensor, hastalik tanisi, norobiyoloji

Yayınlar :

Çakır, Nilüfer and Öztürk, Naile and Kara, Aslı and Zarrabi, Ali and Mustafaoğlu, Nur (2024) "Optimizing niosomal formulations for enhanced cellular applications", Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.2024 (ESCI)
Soliman Tolba, Yomna Soliman Mohammed and Al-Khodor, Jana and Yildirim Köken, Gülnaz and Mustafaoğlu, Nur (2024) "A guide for blood-brain barrier models". Published Online First
Rahmani Dabbagh, Sajjad and Rezapour Sarabi, Misagh and Birtek, Mehmet Tugrul and Mustafaoğlu, Nur and Zhang, Yu Shrike and Tasoglu, Savas (2023) "3D bioprinted organ-on-chips", Aggregate, Vol.4, No.1 (ESCI)
Dabbagh, Sajjad Rahmani and Ozdalgic, Berin and Mustafaoğlu, Nur and Tasoglu, Savas (2022) "Three-dimensional-bioprinted liver chips and challenges", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol.12, No.10 (SCI)
Tajeddin, Alireza and Mustafaoğlu, Nur (2021) "Design and fabrication of organ-on-chips: promises and challenges", Micromachines, Vol.12, No.12 (SCI)
Book Section / Chapter
Yılmaz Onat, Filiz and Yavuz, Melis and Gülhan, Rezzan and Mustafaoğlu, Nur, "Epilepsiyi deneysel modellerle anlamak ve epilepside ideal model arayışı", Epilepsi ve Farmakoterapisi Klinik ve Nörobiyolojik Yaklaşım, Dervent, Ayşın and Yılmaz Onat, Filiz and Altındağ, Ebru (eds.), İstanbul, Türkiye: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, June 2022, 273-294
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Tajeddin, Alireza and Mustafaoğlu, Nur and Yapıcı, Murat Kaya, "On-chip measurement of pH using a microcantilever: a biomimetic design approach", Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), August 2021
SU Öncesi Yayınları:

1.     Danny D. Sahtoe, Adrian Coscia*, Nur Mustafaoglu*, Lauren M. Miller*, Daniel Olal, Ivan Vulovic, Ta-Yi Yu, Inna Goreshnik, Yu-Ru Lin, Lars Clark, Florian Busch, Lance Stewart, Vicki H. Wysocki, Donald E. Ingber, Jonathan Abraham, and David Baker (2021), Transferrin receptor targeting by de novo sheet extension, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (17), e2021569118. *Contributed equally

2.     Tae-Eun Park*, Nur Mustafaoglu*, Anna Herland, Ryan Hasselkus, Robert Mannix, Edward A. FitzGerald, Rachelle Prantil-Baun, Alexander Watters, Olivier Henry, Maximilian Benz, Henry Sanchez, Heather McCrea, Liliana Christova Goumnerova, Hannah W. Song, Sean P. Palecek, Eric Shusta, and Donald E. Ingber (2019), Hypoxia-enhanced Blood-Brain Barrier Chip recapitulates human barrier function and shuttling of drugs and antibodies, Nature Communication, 10(1), 2621. *Contributed equally

3.     Golnaz Morad, Christopher V. Carman, Elliott J. Hagedorn, Julie R. Perlin, Leonard I. Zon, Nur Mustafaoglu, Tae-Eun Park, Donald E. Ingber, Cassandra C. Daisy, and Marsha A. Moses (2019), Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles breach the intact blood brain barrier via transcytosis, ACS Nano, 13(12), 13853-13865.

4.     Jared F. Stefanick, David T. Omstead, Jonathan D. Ashley, Peter E. Deak, Nur Mustafaoglu, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer (2019), Optimizing design parameters of a peptide targeted liposomal nanoparticle in an in vivo multiple myeloma disease model after initial evaluation in vitro. Journal of Control Release, 311, 190-200.

5.     Nur Mustafaoglu, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer (2017). Site-specific conjugation of antibody on gold nanoparticle surface for one-step diagnosis of prostate specific antigen with dynamic light scattering, Nanoscale, 9, 8684-8694.

6.     Nur Mustafaoglu, Tanyel Kiziltepe, Basar Bilgicer (2016). Antibody purification via affinity membrane chromatography method utilizing nucleotide binding site targeting with a small molecule, Analyst, 141, 6571-6582.

7.     Nur Mustafaoglu, Nathan J. Alves, Basar Bilgicer (2015). Oriented immobilization of Fab fragments by site-specific biotinylation at the conserved nucleotide binding site for enhanced antigen detection, Langmuir, 31, 9728-9736.

8.     Nur Mustafaoglu, Nathan J. Alves, Basar Bilgicer (2015). Site-specific fab fragment biotinylation at the conserved nucleotide binding site for enhanced Ebola detection. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112, 1327-1334.

9.     Nathan J. Alves, Nur Mustafaoglu, Basar Bilgicer (2014). Conjugation of a reactive thiol at the nucleotide binding site (NBS) for site-specific antibody functionalization, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 25, 1198-1202.

10.  Nathan J. Alves, Nur Mustafaoglu, Basar Bilgicer (2013). Oriented antibody immobilization by site-specific UV photocrosslinking of biotin at the conserved nucleotide binding site for enhanced antigen detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 49, 387–393.

11.  Gokhan Bilir, Nur Mustafaoglu, Gonul Ozen, Baldassare Di Bartolo (2011). Characterization of emission properties of Er3+ ions in TeO2–CdF2–WO3 glasses. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 83, 314-321.