Syamak  Hossein Nedjad

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Syamak Hossein Nedjad

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Yayınlar :

Seçer, Ragıp Orkun and Nedjad, Syamak Hossein and Yıldız, Mehmet (2024) "Extending a phase field model of polycrystalline solidification for simulating grain evolution in metal additive manufacturing", Computational Materials Science, Vol.240 (SCI)
Nedjad, Syamak Hossein and Yıldız, Mehmet and Saboori, Abdollah (2023) "Solidification behaviour of austenitic stainless steels during welding and directed energy deposition", Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol.28, No.1, 1-17 (SCI)
SU Öncesi Yayınları:

1. A. Abdali, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Hamed Zargari, A. Saboori, M. Yildiz, “Prediction tools for solidification mode of a type 316L stainless steel during additive manufacturing machines”, (submitted for publication).

2. H. Hamed Zargari, M. Malekinia, K. Ito, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Flux composition effects during submerged arc welding of HSLA steel”, (under preparation).

3. A. Siyahtiri, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Hamed Zargari, K. Ito, “Annealing behavior and characteristics of dual-phase microstructures in a cold-rolled, medium-carbon low-alloyed steel”,Mater. Charact. (submitted for publication).

4. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Yildiz, A. Saboori, “Solidification behaviour of austenitic stainless steels during welding and directed energy deposition”, Sci. Tech. Weld. Join., 28 (2023) 1-17.

5. Y. Bagheri, H. Kamali, E. Kamali, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Formation of nodular bainite in an Fe-9.10 Ni-0.06 C (wt.%) alloy: A new microstructure for cryogenic steels”, Scripta Mater. 208 (2022) 114343.

6. H. Kamali, R.D. Field, A.J. Clarke, S. Hossein Nedjad, A.J. Clarke, M.J. Kaufman, “Development of the γ' stability in Co–Al–W alloys at 800 C by alloying with carbon”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 52A (2021) 5314-5328.

7. H. Kamali, M.J. Kaufman, R.D. Field, S. Hossein Nedjad, M.J. Kaufman, A.J. Clarke, “Kinetics of κ discontinuous precipitation in Co-10Al-3Cu-1C (at. pct)”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 52A (2021) 5159-5164.

8. Z. Afshari, E. Ahmadi, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Development of Ultrafine Grain Structure during Deformation-Thermal Treatment of Austenitic Manganese Steel”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 122 (2021) 1492–1499.

9. A. Emdadi, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Badri Ghavifekr, M. Kavanlouei, F. A. F. Lahiji, V. Ramezankhani, “Microstructural dependence of magnetic and magnetostrictive properties in Fe–19 at% Ga”, Rare Metals, 39 (2020) 413-420.

10. H. Shirazi, G. Miyamoto, S. Hossein Nedjad, T. Chiba, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara, “Microstructure evolution during austenite reversion in Fe-Ni martensitic alloys”, Acta Mater, 144 (2018) 269-280.

11. Y. Karimi, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Shirazi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, H. Hamed Zargari, K. Ito, “Cold rolling and intercritical annealing of C-Mn steel sheets with different initial microstructures”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 736 (2018) 392-399.

12. H. Kamali, S. Hossein Nedjad, M.J. Kaufman, R.D. Field, A.J. Clarke, “Discontinuous Precipitation Reactions in Co-10Al-4C (At. Pct), Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 19A (2018) 3198-3205.

13. M. Bahramyan, S. Hossein Nedjad, "X-ray Diffraction Line Broadening Analysis of Nanostructured Nickel Powder", Phys. Met. Metallogr., 118 (2017) 839–845.

14. M. Bahmani-Oskooee, S. Hossein Nedjad, A. Samadi, E. Kozeschnik, "Antibacterial cu-bearing AISI 410s stainless steels for applications in biological environments", Mater. Design 130 (2017) 442-451.

15. Y. Karimi, S. Hossein Nedjad , G. Miyamoto, H. Shirazi, T. Furuhara, "Banding effects on the process of grain refinement by cold deformation and recrystallization of acicular C-Mn steel", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 697 (2017) 1-7.

16. P. Asghari-Rad, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, H. Shirazi, S. Hossein Nedjad, S. Koldorf, "A Significant Improvement in the Mechanical Properties of AISI 304 Stainless Steel by a combined RCSR and Annealing Process", Adv. Eng. Mater. 19 (2017) 1-8.

17. H. Hamed Zargari, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mn-Containing Maraging Steels”, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 24 (2015) 3453-3458.

18. S. Ghafari-Gousheh, S. Hossein Nedjad, J. Khalil-Allafi, Tensile properties and interfacial bonding of multi-layered, high-purity titanium strips fabricated by ARB process, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 51 (2015) 147–153.

19. M.R. Movaghar Garabagh, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Structural Transitions of NiMn Preprecipitation Nanostructures as Determined by X-ray Diffraction line Broadening and Mossbauer Spectroscopy”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 46A (2015) 143-147.

20. A.A. Emdadi, S. Hossein Nedjad, H.G. Badri, “Effect of solidification texture on the magnetostrictive behavior of Galfenol”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 45A (2014) 906-910.

21. H. Ghasemi-Nanesa, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, H.R. Koohdar, M. Habibi-Parsa, S. Hossein Nedjad, S.A. Alidokht, T. G. Langdon, "Strain-induced martensite to austenite reverse transformation in an ultrafine-grained Fe–Ni–Mn martensitic steel", Phil. Mag., 94 (2014) 1493–1507.

22. M.R. Movaghar Grarabagh, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Hamed Zargari, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, “Transformation Mechanism of Preprecipitation NiMn Nanostructures”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 45A (2014) 1057-1067.

23. F. Hosseini Nasab, S. Hossein Nedjad, and S. Karimi, “A Comparison Between the Dislocation Structure of Ball-Milled Iron and Copper as Derived from the X-Ray Diffraction Peak Profile Analyses”, Phys. Met. Metallogr., 114 (2013) 1069-1073.

24. T. Jalal, S. Hossein Nedjad, S. Khalili Molan, “Structure and magnetic properties of nanostructured MnNi alloys fabricated by mechanical alloying and annealing treatments”, Phys. Met. Metallogr., 114 (2013) 400-405.

25. H. Ghadimi, S. Hossein Nedjad, B. Eghbali, “Enhanced grain refinement of cast aluminum alloy by thermal and mechanical treatment of Al-5Ti-B mater alloy”, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23(2013) 1563−1569.

26. H. Shirazi, G. Miyamoto, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Ghasemi-Nanesa, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara, “Microstructural evaluation of austenite reversion during intercritical annealing of Fe–Ni–Mn martensitic steel”, J. Alloys and Comp., 577 (2013) S572-577.

27. B. Avishan, S. Yazdani, S. Hossein Nedjad, “Toughness variations in nanostructured bainitic steels”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 548 (2012) 106-111.

28. A. Mahmudi, S. Hossein Nedjad, M.J. Behnam, "Effects of cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Mo-Ti-Cr maraging steels", Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 18 (2011) 557-561.

29. A. Mahmoudi, M.R. Zamanzad Ghavidel, S. Hossein Nedjad, A. Heidarzadeh, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, “Aging behavior and mechanical properties of maraging steels in the presence of submicrocrystalline Laves phase particles”, Mater. Charac., 62 (2011) 976-981.

30. S. Hossein Nedjad, Y. Zahedi Moghaddam, A. Mamdouh Vazirabadi, H. Shirazi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, "Grain refinement by cold deformation and recrystallization of bainite and acicular ferrite structures of C–Mn steels", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 528 (2011) 1521–1526.

31. S. Hossein Nedjad, F. Hosseini Nasab, M.R. Movaghar Garabagh, S.R. Damadi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, " X-ray diffraction study on the strain anisotropy and dislocation structure of deformed lath martensite", Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 42A (2011) 2493-2497.

32. M. Nili Ahmadabadi, H. Shirazi, H. Ghasemi-Nanesa, S. Hossein Nedjad, B. Poorganji, T. Furuhara, "Role of severe plastic deformation on the formation of nanograins and nano-sized precipitates in Fe-Ni-Mn steel", Mater. Design. 32 (2011) 3526-3531.

33. H. Ghasemi-Nanesa, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, H. Shirazi, S. Hossein Nedjad, S.H. Pishbin, "Ductility enhancement in ultrafine-grained Fe-Ni-Mn martensitic steel by stress-induced reverse transformation", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 527 (2010) 7552-7556.

34. S. Hossein Nedjad, J. Teimouri, A. Tahmasebifar, H. Shirazi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, “A new concept in further alloying of Fe—Ni—Mn maraging steels”, Scripta Mater. 60 (2009) 528-531.

35. S. Hossein Nedjad, S. Meimandi, A. Mahmoudi, T. Abedi, S. Yazdani, H. Shirazi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, "Effect of aging on the microstructure and tensile properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Cr maraging alloys", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 501 (2009) 182-187.

36. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara, "Annealing behavior of an ultrafine-grained Fe–Ni–Mn steel during isothermal aging", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 503 (2009) 156-159.

37. S. Hossein Nedjad, M.R. Movaghar Gharabagh, "Dislocation structure and crystallite size distribution in lath martensite determined by X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis", Int. J. Mater. Res. 99 (2008) 1248-1255.

38. M.R. Movaghar Garabagh, S. Hossein Nedjad,M. Nili Ahmadabadi, " X-ray diffraction study on a nanostructured 18Ni maraging steel prepared by equal-channel angular pressing", J. Mater. Sci. 43 (2008) 6840-6847.

39. M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, H. Shirazi, A. Fatehi, S. Hossein Nedjad, " Improvement in mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn maraging steel by heavy cold rolling", Int. J. Modern Phys. B 22 (2008) 2814-2822.

40. H. Meidani, S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, "A novel process for fabrication of globular structure by equal channel angular pressing and isothermal treatment of semisolid metal", Solid State Phenomena, 141-143 (2008) 445-450.

41. M. Iranpour Mobarake, M. Nili-Ahmadabadi, B. Poorganji, A. Fatehi, H. Shirazi,T. Furuhara, M. Habibi Parsa, S. Hossein Nedjad, "Microstructural study of an age hardenable martensitic steel deformed by equal channel angular pressing", Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 491 (2008) 172-176.

42. M.R. Movaghar Garabagh, S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Shirazi, M. Iranpour Mobarekeh, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, "X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis aiming at better understanding of the deformation process and deformed structure of a martensitic steel", Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 8117-8124.

43. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and T. Furuhara, "Correlation between the intergranular brittleness and precipitation reactions during isothermal aging of an Fe-Ni-Mn maraging steel", Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 490 (2008) 105-112.

44. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara, "The extent and mechanism of nanostructure formation during cold rolling and aging of lath martensite in alloy steel", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 485 (2008) 544-549.

45. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, and T. Furuhara, "Transmission electron microscopy study on the grain boundary precipitation of Fe-Ni-Mn maraging steel", Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 39A (2008) 19-27.

46. S. Hossein Nedjad, H. Meidani and M. Nili Ahmadabadi, "Effect of equal channel angular pressing on the microstructure of a semisolid aluminum alloy", Mater. Sci. Eng. A 475 (2008) 224-228.

47. S. Hossein Nedjad, M.R. Movaghar Garabagh, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and H. Shirazi, "Effect of further alloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-9Ni-5Mn-5Mo maraging steel", Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 473 (2008), 249-253.

48. S. Hossein Nedjad and A. Farzaneh, "Formation of fine intragranular ferrite in cast plain carbon steel inoculated by titanium oxide nanopowder", Scripta Mater. 57 (2007) 937–940.

49. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara and T. Maki, “Evolution of precipitate coarsening reaction in a nanostructured Fe-Ni-Mn maraging alloy”, Solid State Phenomena, 114 (2006) 159-164.

50. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, T. Furuhara and T. Maki, “High resolution transmission electron microscopy study on the nano-scale twining of θ-NiMn precipitates in an Fe-Ni-Mn maraging alloy”, Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 203 (2006) 2229-2235.

51. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, R. Mahmudi, T. Furuhara and T. Maki, “Analytical transmission electron microscopy study of grain boundary precipitates in Fe-Ni-Mn maraging alloy”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 438–440 (2006) 288–291.

52. S. Hossein Nedjad, M. Nili Ahmadabai, R. Mahmudi and H. Farhangi, “Effect of conventional and subzero treating on the mechanical properties of aged martensitic Fe-12 Ni-X Mn alloys”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, A 378 (2004) 314-318.

53. S. Hossein Nedjad and M. Nili Ahmadabadi, “Effect of Ti addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a cast Fe-Ni-Mo-Mn maraging steel”, J. Phys. France, 112 (2003) 461-464