Elif Yavnık

Türkçe sürüm

Elif Yavnık

E-mail : elif.yavniksabanciuniv.edu

Membership :

American Philosophical Association (APA) Friedrich Nietzsche Society (FNS) Society for Women in Philosophy in Turkey (SWIP-TR)

Publications :

Book Section / Chapter
Yavnık, Elif, "Nietzsche and feminine subjectivity", Nietzsche and Politicized Identities, Bamford, Rebecca and Merrick, Allison (eds.), Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, April 2024, 207-228
Before SU Publications:

“Foreigners in Philosophy and Openness to Dislocation”, Hypatia 33.2 (2018): 343-358

“Heidegger'in Dersleri Nietzsche'nin Biyoloji Kavrayışını Nasıl Gözardı Etti?", Felsefi Düşün 8 (2017): 223-237